Learn how to use RealEye.io - Online Research Platform with Webcam Eye-Tracking

Beata Lewandowska
Written by Beata Lewandowska

Heatmap customization (point, size, shadow)

You can customize your heatmaps using options from the "Customize heatmap" menu on the top.

You can zoom the heatmap in and out to get a better view:

You can choose if you want to see clicks, clicks and mouse movements or hide it all:

or, above all, change view options for gazepoints/fixations - point size, shadow size (blur), and opacity (color saturation of the points). Change it to make a heatmap easier to read and understand.

Point size:

Heatmap consists of many gazepoints/fixations. When you move a size slider, you can change the size of these points from 1 to 100 pixels. See how it works on a gif below (other sliders are set to 0 value).


The opacity slider changes the saturation of gazepoints/fixations colors. Thanks to this feature, you can increase the visibility of hot areas if needed.

NOTE: Colors don't indicate metric values!


The shadow slider enables you to change the blur of gazepoints making them a nice, smooth heatmap, not just a set of many colorful points.

You can also change the view between heatmap, view map and fog map.
